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    Reconsideration of Claim

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    Authority to Review

    CUB 24011A - Reconsideration of the decision dated January 10, 1994 on the grounds that the Umpire failed to rule on the allegation that the UI Act violates the Canadian Charter of Rights and Freedoms in that it discriminates against individuals who become ill or disabled - Section 86 Act. The Umpire allowed a reconsideration of the case.
    Appellant: Allan Chamberlain
    Date: 1994

    Number of Insured Weeks

    CUB 25402 - Insufficient number of weeks in his qualifying period - ineligibility to receive benefits - did not work qualifying number of weeks - Section 6 and 7 Act. Claimant had worked only 16 weeks and not the required 17 weeks. However, these insurable weeks are in question because the issue of the accurate termination of the old claim and initiating a new one which may have altered the date of the claim thus the number of qualifying insurable weeks that are required. The Umpire ordered the case returned for a rehearing by a Board.
    Appellant: Christopher Phillips
    Date: 1994

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