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  • Claim Procedure and Entitlement to Benefits

    II. Principles of Law

    (f) Waiving of Waiting Period for Apprentices

    Section 39.1 of the Employment Insurance Regulations provides that the waiting period is to be waived if the following three conditions are met:

    1. the claimant is attending a required course in an apprenticeship program;
    2. the claimant stopped work in order to take the course; and
    3. the claimant must have already served a waiting period for a course that is part of the same apprenticeship program.

    Section 39.1 of the Regulations should not be interpreted so restrictively as to strip it of its purpose and deprive it of its benefit.

    Section 39.1 Employment Insurance Regulations

    Canada (A.G.) v. Prins, 2007 FCA 134 A-314-06

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