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    II. Principles of Law

    (f) "Employed in any other employment"

    In accordance with subsection 30(1) of the Employment Insurance Regulations, a claimant who is employed in any employment (other than the operation of a business) in which he or she controls their own working hours, is considered to have worked a full working week during that week.

    Subsection 30(1) Employment Insurance Regulations

    These legislative provisions assume the existence of an employer-employee relationship. When relying on these provisions, the Commission must prove that there was an arrangement of a contractual nature between an employer and employee. Furthermore, there must be remuneration, primarily of a monetary nature, received or to be received, in exchange for the provision of services.

    Vinet v. Canada [1989], F.C.J. No. 123 (F.C.A.) A-771-88
    Berube v. C.E.I.C. [1990], F.C.J. No. 137 (F.C.A.) A-986-88

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