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  • Board of Referees
  • 20. Appointments to EI Boards of Referees

    Appointments to EI Boards of Referees are governed by section 111 of the EI Act  . Boards of Referees are tripartite, quasi-judicial administrative tribunals composed of chairpersons and panel members. Chairpersons are appointed by the Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development  Chairpersons are appointed by the Governor in Council, on the recommendation of the Minister of Human Resources and Skills Development, for a three-year term and may be removed for cause., for a three-year term and may be removed for cause. Other Board members are appointed by the Commissioner for Workers and the Commissioner for Employers, respectively, following consultation with labour groups or employer organizations. They are appointed for a three-year term which can be terminated under certain circumstances. There are some 1,000 Board members in Canada sitting in approximately 80 towns and cities.

    Chairpersons and panel members are expected to:

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